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StrategyTest® want to inspire more people to:

- to get more involved,

- to take greater ownership and

- become even better to execute the company's strategy.

Which StrategyTest suits

your company best?

StrategyTest® gives you the exact insigth

and answers on all 3 levels

in your organisation

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When and how did you last test and evaluate your strategy or strategy work in your organisation?

Using StrategyTest you can easily and quickly get in control and optimise your strategy process.

Why are some businesses more successful than others?

You can have a great product and be in a unique market, but fail at ratio tenIn the strategic work, it becomes uphill and success becomes much more difficult to achieve.

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What is StrategyTest?

  • StrategyTest is a new concept in the market in both form and content.

  • With StrategyTest you can evaluate the quality of your strategy work on your own.

  • StrategyTest can also be used as a tool for optimising your strategy work.

  • Furthermore, StrategyTest can give you an insight into what you have a good handle on and what you need to get a handle on.

  • StrategyTest is a strategic status analysis and self-assessment that provides the company with a checklist, a checklist and a self-assessment of the strategic aspects of the company.

What are the benefits of StrategyTest?

  • Your whole organisation gets more involved, taking more ownership and becomes more able to execute the strategy

  • You save money and time

  • You improve the quality in your strategywork and processes

  • Your strategy work becomes more targeted, efficient and value-adding

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What is the process like in practice?

  1. You choose the StrategyTest that best suits your needs.

  2. You define how many respondents you want to answer the questions

  3. You will then recieve the test and instructions needed to complete the test.

  4. After completing the test, you will receive the results in the form of an overview report, which will   visually show your overall response to the different phases and questions.

  5. There will also be direct feedback and evaluation that you can use to optimise your ongoing strategy work. The report will tell you which areas you should focus on in order to maximise the success of your strategy work.


The Strategy Test is answered individually and it is important that the self-assessment is carried out on an ongoing basis and coordinated with the strategic annual cycle.

The Strategy Test can be answered by one person and/or a group:


  • Ownership & Board of Directors

  • Executive board or senior management team

  • Middle management groups

  • Employees

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StrategiTest ApS
Irma Pedersens gade 116, 9.4.
DK-8000 Aarhus C
CVR: 43928015
Number: 23726531

Strategy Tests
Facts and research


Strategy processes
Strategy workshops
Strategy tools
Strategy annual wheel
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